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The Premier Medical Cannabis Cultivator of South Dakota

Growing and Harvesting Medical-Grade Marijuana

Dakota Green Cultivators is a medical cannabis cultivator servicing Belle Fourche and Fort Pierre, SD patients. Our team of cannabis experts focuses on the growing process of medical cannabis in order to produce the highest quality cannabis products. We cultivate cannabis in both indoor and outdoor settings to create a variety of different cannabis strains for patients. Different people have different needs, and that is why we offer a wide selection of cannabis products. When you visit our dispensary locations, our team members will help you find the strain and type of product that meets your needs and works for your unique chemistry. Medical cannabis cardholders throughout South Dakota have access to our selection of medical-grade marijuana.

Why Choose Dakota Green Cultivators?

At our Dakota Green Terp Ranch, we grow cannabis plants in both outdoor and indoor environments. This allows us to produce a wide variety of plant strains that harness varying levels of THC, terpenes, and CBD. Our team is committed to producing the best quality cannabis for medical patients in South Dakota.


As cardholders ourselves, we know how important it is to use only the cleanest products. That is why we focus on organic plant growth. The living organic soil that we use is free of heavy metals, pesticides, and GMOs. The nutrients and inputs in our soil surpass the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) standards. When you trust us, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are getting clean, organic cannabis products. These products come in various forms, including:

  • Flower
  • Pre-Rolls
  • Vaporizers
  • Concentrates
  • Edibles
  • Tinctures
  • Topicals
  • CBD

Explore Our World of Grade A Medical Cannabis Today

At Dakota Green Cultivators, we believe in the power of medical cannabis. Our team strives to make cannabis patients’ lives easier through our medical-grade products. In order to do this, we create a variety of marijuana products that are sold at our two dispensary locations in Belle Fourche and Fort Pierre, SD. At our dispensaries, you will find only the best cannabis products at great prices. View our menu online today, or stop by one of our dispensary locations to get the relief you deserve. Check with your local dispensary and ask if they carry DAKOTA GREEN products.


Purchase Medical Cannabis Today

Redwater Cannabis Care

19075 US 85 Belle
Fourche, SD 57717


Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Yellowstone Cannabis Care

1005 Yellowstone Street
Fort Pierre, SD, 67532


, Fort Pierre, SD, 67532

Hours of Operation
Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Belle Fourche, SD

19075 US-85, Belle Fourche, SD 57717, USA

Fort Pierre, SD

1005 Yellowstone St, Fort Pierre, SD 57532, USA